Behind the Brand
Our mission, vision and values: what guides us?
Valuing the communities where the centres of
production are inserted, through support to
partner associative movements.
Finding new and sustainable ways of doing things,
grow the project and develop new unique products.
Avoid wasting resources, valuing them to the maximum
at the same time so that they can be useful during
more time, maximizing efficiency through
a circular economy.
Reuse as many materials as possible that would be
considered waste, preserving the environment.
Create employment opportunities for people in a more vulnerable social and economic situation;
Invest in the training and education of the seamstresses who are part of the project;
Meet the needs of the business through the use of reused materials, as well as individual customers;
Leading in the production of sustainable products made from materials that would otherwise go to waste.
Support for the most vulnerable communities through production and
sale of products made with recycled materials.